As we close out on what has been a phenomenal year here at Colors4Change, we can’t help but reflect on bringing happiness into childrens’ lives through our art donations. We believe that art is an essential component in a child’s life as it allows them to express themselves when words alone don’t suffice. However, today our world has refrained from these “unnecessary” items and started fighting for rare resources such as masks and sanitizers. Their intent needs no further explanation. Amidst a global pandemic threatening thousands of lives everyday, it is only intuitive to protect one’s family. Nevertheless, it doesn’t necessarily mean art supplies should be left out of the conversation.
Since the beginning of quarantine, the acquisition of KN95 masks have skyrocketed with everyone tending to their families needs, however, the interest in art supplies has been fairly stagnant. The public is quick to underestimate the value of art because of its minimal place in their lives when in reality it is almost necessary in others’ households. A Washington Post article states an individual purchased, along with COVID-19 essentials, “a stockpile of colored pencils and an assortment of paint” and believes “art will become an essential part of [his] habits”. This necessity also translates to people who aren’t in a position to purchase such supplies. The amazing kids at organizations we have donated to find value in art because it inspires them to leave the conditions they are dealing with and become visual storytellers.
As a result, we have rejuvenated our regular collection routines and are emphasizing the need for public involvement more than ever. Look for any art supplies you may not be interested in and are willing to donate. Contact friends and family and spread awareness of our cause. Feel free to contact us via our social media platforms or comment below. As we near what has been an eventful 2020, we firmly believe we can instill change together, a color at a time.