A CBS News Visit to the Colors4Change Home Base
Colors4Change was recently interviewed by CBS News, Chicago, and the Illinois Chapter was featured discussing our mission and history as well as demonstrating daily operations through a sorting session and donation drop-off to Alive Center.
During the interview, the President of the Illinois Chapter, Anya Acharya, spoke of the origin of Colors4Change and the initial donation to the nonprofit, Ekjut, which inspired her family to collect art supplies to distribute to underserved communities across the world. The rest of the Colors4Change team was filmed melting down and packing crayons, markers, and colored pencils and preparing them to be donated to Alive Center. Once the donations were dropped off, Alive Center’s staff took the Illinois Chapter to the art room. There we saw how the donated supplies will be used by children and their artwork. The interview captured the impact of Colors4Change and the strong sense of community that has been established through our mission to spread art to all children, and we are eager for CBS Chicago to encourage everyone to make a change, one crayon at a time.
Watch the interview here: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/colors-4-change-kids/
Live at CBS Studio: Sharing the Vision
The second interview took the team to the CBS studio, where they were invited for a live segment. The studio buzzed with excitement as Colors4Change’s President and Co-Founder – Anya Acharya eloquently shared the organization’s vision and its impact on communities globally.
When asked about the organization’s biggest success story, the President highlighted the Tanzania Well Project, a life-changing initiative where a virtual art auction raised over $1,500 to build a well for an orphanage in Mafinga, Tanzania.
CBS Studio Live Interview: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/high-school-students-making-global-impact-with-colors-4-change/